Sunday, April 08, 2007

TTAC Lunch Directory

At work we try to go to new places every week. I created a spreadsheet of all the places we have gone and places we wanted to go. From there I found a feature in Google Maps that lets you make your own maps and mark only the places you want on your map. I created the TTAC Lunch Directory to help us choose where to go to lunch.

Some of the nice features Google "My Maps" gives is that you can select your own locations, give their own descriptions and use any of the well known Google Map icons. It is also a nice feautre to make it Public or Unpublished. By keeping it unpublished you can still send the link to friends. By making it Public it can be seen in search engines and such. Nice options.

Some things I don't like, but still learning to work out the tweaks, is that I can't reorder my locations on the left side. I would prefer alphabetical, or order of priorty but it only sorts in the order they were entered. It would also be cool to hide certain icons and only view other icons, making selecting locations easier.