Monday, August 22, 2005

Six Feet Under Finale

If there is anything that 6 Feet Under taught us is that life is short and the people around us give us the meaning of our life.
Many, if not all, of the clients that came through Fischer and Sons were flat 2 dimensional characters whose deaths were often funny if not ironic. It wasn’t until the Fischer family interacted with the living did we begin to be emotionally tied into their actions.

Since the beginning I found the series to be interesting and well written. These characters were often morbid, socially unacceptable and most of all pretencious. I stuck around to watch the pieces of humanity to come out, often in emotion or moral lessons. On occasion I would be disappointed with cliché antics or worn visual aids for the slow minded viewer, but most of the time the cast and crew was aware of these clichés and redefined them to their own ways. That is what kept me watching and kept me plugging along until the end (a symbol of life in many ways).

The series finale was on HBO last night and as I watched I thought about all the episodes I saw in the past and the night I watched the first episode (kind of ironic).
In the end the tear I shed was the tear of disappointment.

The first hour plus was very good and played out in the same quality that was held up through the entire series run.
However the last montage was a ridiculous portrayal of everything that the series didn’t stand for. The series ends with a Claire starting her new life on her way to New York and we see a future montage of how each main character of SFU dies.

I felt almost no attachment to these people’s deaths, mostly because you were too preoccupied with their bad makeup and giggled at the drawn out deaths.
You wondered, what twist will kill this family member. During the whole montage I kept thinking of the episode only two weeks prior, on the death of Nate, had more emotion and intrigue then any episode too date. On the other hadn the finales ending scene felt more like some cheap rip off written by the same group of writers that did the Very Brady Christmas. It seemed more of the actions of closure then the actual closure itself. Its sad that a show that had such a strong story line to end with something so flat and lifeless.

How about that HBO’s Rome!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Say What!?

I do not usually repost what others have posted, but on, a site a frequent often, posted a link to Gizoogle. A website that translates any website into Snoop Dogg ebonics. And again, I usually don't find it very funny, but out of boredom, I tried it out on my blog. It was mildly amusing until I got down to my Rock Bottom entry (which by the way, please go to the site and get the wings back)

This is what I wrote:

Dear Rock Bottom,

Why hasn't the Thursday night all you can eat Wings and Beer returned to the Milwaukee Location. I found this to be an wonderful experience and enjoyed going at least _______ a month. Is there a reason why you haven't continued this?

This is what Gizoogle wrote:

Dear Rock Bottom,

Why hasn't tha Thursday night all you can eat Wings n Beer returned ta tha Milwaukee Location . I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. I found this ta be an wonderful experience n enjoyed going at least _______ a miznonth . Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Is there a reason why you haven't continued this . Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air.

Juvenile, but funny

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The time wasn't right

The Marathon was more of a brisk walk in the history of cinema. I will try again, but right now between work and all, I just can't get a film a day in. But I will be triumphant again.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

World's Finest Trailer

I watched the trailer for World's Finest (The Batman Superman movie I talked about earlier). All in all, not too impressed (because of Superman). But I recommend seeing it, and I still look forward to it. The Ifilm website is nice, but sometimes cumbersome to watch trailers on. However the site has many other very cool fan films and a little more user friendly.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Batman/Superman movie

The Batman franchise has been around for over 65 years now and has a long ever changing history. Monumental moments from the Golden Age of comics, to what many refer to as the Frank Miller Vision of Batman, the caped crusader has taken on many faces and many personas. Lewis Wilson, Adam West, Michael Keaton, Kevin Conroy, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale (Italics represent unapproved Batmen).

These mainstream version of Batman are all fairly well known, but few people know of "Batman: Dead End", by Sandy Corrola

Sandy Corrola is a special effect artist who got his tutilage from Stan Winston. Being a huge batman fan he created a short film entitled "Batman: Dead End". I've pretty much forced everyone I know to sit down and watch it, those who don't know what it is are usually surprised by the professionalism and the twist ending. At this point, I recommend you to go to the site. Another forwarning, do not look at the photo site, just watch the film, don't ruin the ending.

Note to Mr. Faber, the Sandy Corrola's website now has a high resolution version of his film, go there to view it.

Though I am not a fan of Superman as much as Batman, I'm very excited to know that Sandy Corrola is doing a Batman/Superman fan film. Yet again, I think Sandy Corrola did an excellent job at casting Superman, as he did with casting Clark Bartram for Batman. Compared to some of the early pictures I've seen of the "official" Superman movie, this Superman is far better.

As you know, I will be following this closely and keep everyone posted.

Now Seriously!

Ok, I posted this a couple of months ago and yet STILL, the infamous wings and beer has not returned to Rock Bottom. Come on people, united we stand!

Please go to the Rock Bottom site and send a comment.

Dear Rock Bottom,

Why hasn't the Thursday night all you can eat Wings and Beer returned to the Milwaukee Location. I found this to be an wonderful experience and enjoyed going at least _______ a month. Is there a reason why you haven't continued this.

If you don't do it for yourself, at least do it for me!

What Grinds My Gears

  1. Overrated Actors and Directors (Michael Bay, Joel Shumacher, Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore, etc.)
  2. Poor Film handling and presentation
  3. Cell phone abuse
  4. People who make U-turns at lit intersections
  5. Drew Rosenhaus and any of his clients
  6. People who drive in the emergency lane during traffic jams
  7. Video game controllers chords wrapped around a controller
  8. The sound of balloons and the sound of Styrofoam
  9. Cubs fans
  10. People who like really bad movies for the wrong reasons