Sunday, August 20, 2006

End of an Era

After 10 years of working at North Shore Cinema, I have officially left the front line of movie exhibition. I recieved a promotion to the corporate level doing IT work and Booth Projection services (I fix the broken projectors). I will now have weekends off and what I here that on Holidays people don't have to work, but can "enjoy" the holiday.

North Shore was my first official job and I've wanted to move on for quite some time. I did a lot of great things there, and I did a lot of bad things. All of which I did while growing up and becoming who I am today. It was a good run, but now I get to join the exciting world of cubicle life.

I would like to thank all the great people I worked with in the past and present (many of you came out last night to celebrate my departure and I appreciate that) and I'd like to thank the people I hated to work with over the last ten years. You taught me patience and helped stress the one thing my mom always said, "You are not always going to work with people you like. Get use to it."