As of lately my gripe has been the Transformers movie. For those who don't know, Michael Bay is directing the remake of the cult 80s phenomenon of Transformers.
It has been known by many that I cannot stand Michael Bay. Its something about his movies that not only bore me to new levels, but his attitude of "and your going to fucken like it" is more then obsurd.
As a childhood fan of Transformers (That is a class 2 on the nerd-o-meter, a Class 1 would quote it constantly, class 2 can identify most characters and have a wonderful childhood story of the franchise, a class 3 buys all the dvds because it faintly looks familiar but never really watches them) I enjoyed the transformers series and one christmas deeply wanted an Optimus Prime, luckly I received it. I remember where I was when I opened it, I remember what end of the box I saw first when I realized what it was and I remember the joints slowly getting weaker and the rubber taste of the tires (don't ask, but they were chewy). I am only mildly offended by the Transformer bastardization.
First I detest that Michael Bay is making this movie. Many people think that I'm taking this too personally but I have two reasons why I'm not. 1. Don't really care about Transformers much more. They were cool and I still think they kind of are. 2. I'm not on the "Oh my god he's ruining a pop icon", its more of a "He's making another movie?" soap box.
Second, the rumors, photos and interviews have all pointed at the fact that Michael Bay has changed the style of truck, color and look of Optimus Prime. This has been an especially hot topic with me and anyone who mentions the movie. I don't believe that this is outragous, but if you are making a remake of a pop culture show, you'd think you'd try to capture the original look.
My good friend Jim, who enjoys pushing my buttons by not only taking a strong stand on this, but get this, he doesn't agree with me either!
The upside of Transformers is in the distance though. Ok, its not really an upside, its more of a morbid curiosity that I see.
1. They just announced that Peter Cullen will do the voice of Optimus Prime. He was the original voice.
2. They announced that Dane Cook might be in the film. I have the feeling that when Dane Cook found out that Michael Bay was shooing Transformers he proceeded to stalk him and yell from a tree overlooking Bays bedroom "Let me be in the movie, I want to be in the movie, I can act, I can act, so help me god I will kill you Michael Bay if you don't let me be in the movie! Don't think I won't do it, I already pee'd in your Chai tea yesterday, tasted good didn't it, well it could end up tasting real bad for you Mr. Bay, I can't be stopped".
We'll see where this travesty ends up.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ten Things I Hate About Commandments
Got this off of Chris Diclerico's site. Not as funny as the Shinning Trailer, but hilarious none the less.
Monday, July 10, 2006
South Park Emmy
South Park was nominated for an emmy this past week. The funny part, is that it was the episode about Scientology that Issac Hayes said enough is enough on and walked out on.
"Trapped in the Closet" Nominated for a Primetime Emmy!
We're very pleased to announce that the South Park episode "Trapped in the Closet" has been nominated for an emmy in the category of "Outstanding Animated Program (for Programming Less Than One Hour)"
The winners will be announced in August. Best of luck, John & Jane Smith!

We're very pleased to announce that the South Park episode "Trapped in the Closet" has been nominated for an emmy in the category of "Outstanding Animated Program (for Programming Less Than One Hour)"
The winners will be announced in August. Best of luck, John & Jane Smith!
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