Sunday, November 13, 2005

Do you like Madison and Funny things?

So I was looking on the internet for more information on the soon to be erected Barry Alveraz bronze statue, (By the way, that is practically the most dirty, erotic thing I ever typed.) when I came across this Blog site.

It is presitge brillance to the level of the Onion, the down home flavor of Madison, and the incepid hatred for posers, tools and jags alike that made me bookmark this quality blog. Not since the meandering rants of Goggins, have I read a home grown musing that amused me as much. Granted it is very Onion-esque, but there is nothing wrong with that. As long as they keep it real.

This blog writes about news and events of our fair Mad City in the style of the Onion. Luckily for this person the town is full of posers, tools and jags of all colors and styles so the well wont run dry on these new ideas.

I'm going to keep tabs on it. I think you should too.