This year, right field at Miller Park will look different. A new picnic area has been installed next to the away teams bull pen. In a motif that resembles a make-shift concentration camp, fans can get up close and personal with the opposing team with only a chain link fence seperating them. If that wasn't enough, they also furnished a large plexi glass window over looking the visitors bull pen, perfect for making "squishy faces" or even mooning your favorite opponent. Retaliation will not be a problem, seeing that Miller Park will be giving every visitor a Brewers replica batting helmet.
Many say with a price tag between 39 and 69, it will only attract the sophisticated rich, so none of the before mentioned will happen. As a frequent visitor to the suites and box seats, those people are the worst. They tend to lack not only knowledge of the team and sport, but the class to be in public. Don't even get me started on their offspring.
If I was asked if this was a good idea, I would consider it. If they said, "We are going to get rid of our manual scoreboard which is a classic throw back to the sports beginings, that we have preserved in our stadium of the future to remind us of our roots." I would laugh hard, take a sip of water, wipe away the forming tear from laughing and look up to see a group of serious faces staring at me. And thats exactly what they did.
Now to not sound like a hypocrite, I will consider going to the pen before I stand thouroughly behind my statement. I have seen it in the outfield under construction during my visits to TGIFridays this winter. The fact that the price is all inclusive for food and drink is very appealing, I just don't believe the cost of a manual scoreboard in right field is wise. Even though many say it will be a delightful experience to take the family or coworkers out to.
I don't want to hear marketing people's take on this, or how its in other stadiums, or how the chances of getting an Home Run ball are estounding when you sit in the "Dog Pen" (thats my name for it), I want to hear what Jeremy Burnitz thinks on April 3rd.