Monday, April 25, 2005

What happened to Lucas Arts?

With everyone talking about Star Wars Ep III, I asked myself, “What happened to Lucas Arts?” Many will probably say that nothing happened to them, they are still a successful video game producer. However take a closer look. Lucas Arts use to create unique games that were not only interesting but games that made you think to solve problems. They not only created these unique situations but created unique characters with a sense of humor. Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Same and Max, Full Throttle, The Dig, Grim Fandango, the list goes on.

However, it seems that all the games that are coming out now are either first person, third person or the occasional strategy. To top it off 9 out of 10 of every game is centered on the Star Wars universe. Now granted, Lucas Arts was created by George Lucas, but how many games do we really need of light sabers and blasters. Granted, I love Star Wars as much as the next 20 something youth, but I don’t need a dozen different video game perspectives of Attack of the Clones.

What ever happened to Sam, Bernard or Manny. Sure I could just simply replay the games, but it’s not the same. These games are a dying breed, especially in the eyes of Lucas Arts. And I see this other places too. It’s either a first person shooter or an RPG or an amalgamation of both. I look at the gaming industry and I’m not seeing anything new, or innovative. I see better graphics and larger plot holes, not new games.