3. My Gym Partner is a Monkey
Friday 8pm Cartoon Network
One day at work, I took the time to watch the preshow commercials on one of our films. I saw an ad for 'My Gym Partner is a Monkey' and immediately I was intrigued. I was also angered that these useless annoying ads actually informed me of something.
'My Gym Partner is a Monkey' is about Adam Lyon gets transfered from his middle school due to a computer typo, he is sent to a middle school for zoo animals and is assigned Jake Spidermonkey as a gym partner.
As an fan of Ren and Stimpy, I find much of the humor from MGPIAM to be remenisant of this earlier classic. Its unique story lines and immature situations, give this animated show a throwback compared to what most modern animated shows are. Its a show that I easily laugh at but doesn't generate the standard situation comedy one liners that many shows do now a days. The fact that it is a cartoon it takes me back to way back (the early 90s) when I was a complete nerd, oppose to now where I seek that completeness.