The more I see the latest Batman trailer (as discussed on the Chatanooga Choo Choo) the more I am excited for it. I don’t know what it is. From what I can tell the entire trailer is basically the first reel of the film and the last reel of the film. Batman will be heavy drama and backstory to the dark knight and that’s what has been missing from the last couple Batman films.
What I don’t think the trailer touches on at all is Gordon, which I believe will be a large part of the film. I hope the story is similar to the one of Frank Millers Year One for Gordon’s plot, but I’m open for anything with Gary Oldman as Lt. Gordon.
I’m very excited at seeing the inner turmoil of Batman’s early years and training, for the first time on film (you don’t see Batman for the first hour). The most important part of Batman is his struggle to find himself inside and outside of the cowl and I believe that will be touched on more intimately with Nolan behind the camera.
My only fears are that WB hasn’t realized that the silver screen is too small for two villains and that they don’t over do the love story, even though its Katie Holmes. I’m tired of Bruce Wayne showing his woman the cave and who he really is, that plot point is getting as stale as the bat cave air.
This Batman is truly a new beginning and I hope it revives the dying franchise of the caped crusader.