One thing I want to do before I die is build a custom made Storm Trooper costume. I know I will never buy one, because I truly believe it would be ridiculous to buy a Storm Trooper costume for over 1,500 dollars. I hope that some day I have a job that allows me to say, "I think I shall purchase an Imperial Stormtrooper costume this weekend." So I'll have to end up building one.
I'm sure many of you would say, sure you won't spend 1500 dollars for a costume but you will waste 100s of hours and hundreds of dollars building one. I simply respond with, yes. Its a project. A project that includes both skill and creativity, with a touch of artistic craftsmanship. Plus I can brag about it to my other nerd friends.
Some cool sites to look at are:
How to Build a Stormtrooper Costume - they also have a few other Star Wars costumes that I might use as a starter
TK409 - This guy is cool
Star Wars Helmets - A very cool comparison and good pics on Star Wars helmets and professional helmet makers
I've been doing some research and come to the conclusion that I need a team of people, a well vented work area and some money. I have a few friends that are interested in helping and a few that are interested in investing some experimental money, but I still need a vented work area.
Its almost a crazy subculture that creates and wears these things. The venues for this decor are limited. There are your scifi conventions, movie premeires , Holloween and I even saw a Storm Trooper at Miller Park (I was a little drunk but a friend assured me that there was a Storm Trooper wearing a Cheesehead at Miller Parks TGIFridays).